Exploring and protecting
Canada’s oceans

Protecting ocean ecosystems is vital
for the health of our planet

Protecting habitat allows fish and other marine life to flourish

Our Expeditions from
coast to coast to coast



In August 2019, Oceana Canada and the Nunatsiavut Government embarked on an expedition to explore the culturally and ecologically significant coastal habitats of Nunatsiavut in Northern Labrador.


Northeast Pacific Seamounts

Northeast Pacific Seamounts

In July 2018, Oceana Canada, the Haida Nation, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Ocean Networks Canada embarked on an expedition to explore seamounts in the northeast Pacific Ocean off the coast of British Columbia.


Central Coast of British Columbia

Central Coast of British Columbia

In March 2018, Oceana Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, the Heiltsuk and Kitasoo/Xai’Xais First Nations, Central Coast Indigenous Resource Alliance (CCIRA) and Ocean Networks Canada explored marine habitats in the Central Coast of British Columbia.


Gulf of St. Lawrence

Gulf of St. Lawrence

In August 2017, Oceana Canada and Fisheries and Oceans Canada spent a week exploring marine habitats in the Laurentian Channel South and North, the American Bank and the Cape Breton Trough.


"By uncovering the mysteries of our oceans through exploration, we can protect important marine habitats and rebuild fish populations to abundance, ensuring future generations inherit healthy oceans that support thriving coastal communities."

Alexandra Cousteau, Filmmaker, Oceana Senior Advisor and granddaughter of Jacques-Yves Cousteau